社区 发现 Amazon 凉凉!5月底找人帮忙自注册的欧洲站,账号...
您至少有一个银行账户未完成验证。在此处完成银行账户验证 】,有遇到过类似状况的朋友吗?
- 第一封邮件如下
Hello Seller, Your Amazon.co.uk account is under review. During the review process, you will not be able to sell on Amazon.co.uk. You will be requested to verify your identity, business information, or both within 24 hours. Please log in to your Seller Central account and complete the requested steps for verification.
Dear Seller,
We were unable to verify the information you provided when registering for a Selling on Amazon payment account and, as a result, your Selling on Amazon payment account could not be opened. Unfortunately, this means that you will not be able to continue to sell on Amazon.
Please take appropriate steps to resolve any open orders. Note that any amounts paid as a result of A-to-z Guarantee claims and chargebacks may be deducted from the balance in your existing Seller Account.
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