所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon 知识产权


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Thank you for your report of infringement. We reviewed your report and determined that it is incomplete. We cannot take action on or complete any of your requests. Please resubmit your report with all the required information listed below.

-- Identification of the specific content on Amazon believed to be infringing, by ASIN or URL. If your report is about specific seller listings, please provide a list of sellers. If your report is about text or images on a page describing a product, please identify those images or that text. If your report is that the entire page or product sold via that page infringes, please let us know.



-- Identification of the specific content on Amazon believed to be infringing, by ASIN or URL. If your report is about specific seller listings, please provide a list of sellers. If your report is about text or images on a page describing a product, please identify those images or that text. If your report is that the entire page or product sold via that page infringes, please let us know.
(-通过ASIN或URL识别被认为侵权的亚马逊特定内容。 如果您的报告是关于特定卖方清单的,请提供卖方清单。 如果您的报告涉及描述产品页面上的文字或图像,请标识这些图像或文字。 如果您的举报表明整个页面或通过该页面出售的产品均受到侵权,请告知我们。)


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