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发帖62次 被置顶3次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动890次 历史交流热度5.03% 历史交流深度0%
Greetings from Fulfillment by Amazon,

After investigating customer issues with ASIN XXXXXXX  we have determined that there are consistent issues with this product that have not been addressed.  We previously received your plan of action for the same ASIN on 12/30/2019 provided in, Case ID: XXXXXXXX addressing the issues. Since reinstating your offer, there have been enough customer issues with this ASIN that there has been another investigation into the chronic defective issues. We have previously coached you 2 times before on chronic defective issues regarding this ASIN

Initial Coaching - Feb 27, 2020 - Case ID: XXXXXXX
2nd Coaching - Dec 30, 2019 - Case ID: XXXXXXX
3rd Coaching - Oct 01, 2019 - Case ID: XXXXXXX

As this is now at least investigation number 3 into this ASIN. You have 7 days to reply with the following information:

1. A new plan of action for how you will address and fix the customer issues, please provide documentation of all product improvements that are proposed.
2. Confirmation that your inventory currently stored in our FCs has the same update that you indicate in your plan of action.
a. If it does not, please create a removal request for this inventory to prevent further issues for customers.

During these 7 days, your offer will be down and you will not be able to include this ASIN on any FBA Shipments. If you do not reply with an appropriate plan of action within 7 days, your offer will remain down, your inventory will be made unfulfillable, and you will need to reach out to Seller Support to begin the process of appeals for this listing suspension.

This is your final opportunity to improve your ASIN offer performance with an impactful plan of action. A continued high rate of negative customer return feedback may result in a permanent removal of your ASIN offer from FBA.

For your convenience, we have attached a document with a formatting that we have found helpful when creating a plan of action. If your company or manufacturer already uses a form similar to this, please feel free to use that instead.


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