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业绩通知说我的bullet points违规,因为在详情页面添加了不正确的信息,成为受限商品,5个ASIN前台变狗,如何解决哈?

发帖17次 被置顶1次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动190次 历史交流热度24.5% 历史交流深度0%
昨天收到绩效通知邮件,说我店铺有5个ASIN因为在详情页面添加了不正确的信息,成为受限商品,我这个昨晚把5个产品的5点进行了修改,只有一个ASIN大概在修改20分钟后就自动恢复了,其他的照样还是受限,也给listings-evaluation@amazon.com 发了邮件,目前还没有回复,有没有遇到过这种情况的?怎么解决?
Hello from Amazon,

We are writing to let you know that the following detail pages have been removed from our catalog:

ASIN: ***********, SKU: *********, Title: "**********************"

We are contacting you because you have added inaccurate information to product detail pages. 
Why did this happen? 
All sellers must not attempt to damage or abuse another Seller, their listings or ratings.
We’re here to help. 
To learn more about this policy, search for “Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct”, “Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions,” and "Product detail page rules" in Seller Central Help. 
Here are examples of your listings that do not follow this policy: 
Detail Pages Needing Correction 
Attribute Needing Correction: Bullet Points
Please modify all of your product detail pages to ensure they do not violate Amazon listing policies. 
To edit your ASINs: 
1. In the Inventory section of Seller Central, select Manage Inventory. 
2. Search for the ASIN you would like to edit and click Fix Stranded Inventory. 
3. Edit the inactive ASIN by updating the current page. 
4. Save, then email listings-evaluation@amazon.com with a description of what you have fixed on the product detail page. 
Once we review the product detail page and determine the policy issue has been addressed, we will reinstate the ASIN. 

Have your listings been removed in error? 
If you believe there has been an error, please tell us why. Your explanation should include the following information: 
-- The reason the listing does not violate our Product Detail Page policies. 

What happens if I do not provide the requested information? 
If we do not receive the requested information, your listings will remain inactive. 
同时,自己做以下动作。1. 首先排查下自己的5点和描述有没有添加质保信息?如果有,就先删除掉。
2. 如果不确定自己哪里出错了,产品详情页就都只写与产品相关的信息,任何其他描述性比如最好啊,送礼佳品啊等这类主观性词语都删掉。
3. 去下载你这个产品类目的详情页指南,就是亚马逊给的官方资料,比如标题要怎么写啊等guideline, 再写信给listing小组,并将下载下来的指导手册附上,向亚马逊阐明你不是故意犯错的,已经认真阅读了亚马逊相关政策,后面不会再犯。


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