所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon PPC Amazon


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小白一枚,之前开了2组自动广告,因为表现不好所以就把竞价都调到了0.1但是没有直接关掉。 这个月看了下数据,发现这2组自动广告的数据表现比其它正常竞价的组好挺多,ACOS远低于其它正常竞价组,但是点击率也变低了,出单也少。

BeboGhattas - Amazon Seller - English Communications

赞同来自: 赚钱养大狗 呵呵呵qwqeq JEASONR ct852360381 mildshl

You can and should run low bid ads, But having several low bid ads of the same product, doesn't help

the low bid ad works with longest or low traffic keywords,
Knife  - 1 word - SO EXPENSIVE for PPC
Steel Knife - 2 words - Still expensive for PPC
Steel knife with Plastic Handle - 5 words - Medium cost for PPC
Steel knife with Plastic handle and Hard cover Portable use - Long keyword, Low cost for PPC

Normally, You should use the most related keywords for your PPC, you don't relay on low bid ad, because it won't help in ranking, but will bring few sales with low cost.
You still need to run other manual ads for related keywords
Target 10 related long tail keywords is better than target 1 popular keyword 


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