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发帖17次 被置顶1次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动171次 历史交流热度23.53% 历史交流深度0%
We are contacting you because we received a report of trademark infringement on the product detail page associated with one or more of your listings. Sellers on Amazon.com are not allowed to use trademarked terms in a way that might lead their product to be confused with a different trademarked product.
Please modify your product and product detail page to ensure they do not infringe on the trademark of the rights owner listed below. Examples of unacceptable terms: -- "AmazonBasics speaker charging cable." AmazonBasics is trademarked by Amazon. -- “Wireless Amazon speaker for laptop.” Amazon is trademarked by Amazon. -- “Cable similar to Pinzon.” Pinzon is trademarked by Amazon, and we prohibit the use of “similar to.”
Examples of acceptable terms: -- "Cable for charging AmazonBasics speaker." The cable is not created or sold by Amazon. -- “Wireless speaker for laptop, compatible with AmazonBasics.” The speaker is not created by Amazon. -- “Basic cable works with Pinzon.” The cable is not sold or created by Pinzon.
How do I submit this information? Go to Received Intellectual Property Complaints under the Product Policy Compliance section in account health (https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... hboard) and locate the deactivation record for this product listing. Click on the Appeal button next to the listing deactivation record to submit information necessary to reactivate your listing.
Have your listings been removed in error? If you have never sold or listed the product, please reach out to us and tell us. If you think that the rights owner has made an error in sending the notice, please reach out to the rights owner and ask for a retraction of the notice. To retract the complaint, the rights owner must send the retraction to us at notice-retraction@amazon.com or use the retraction function in Brand Registry.
The rights owner contact information can be found below.
-- sacompany-bp@redpoints.com 



太阳zzZ - 。。。

赞同来自: DiDiDi李

1. 把链接中相关词语全部删除,(如果提到了商标编号可以查询确认)
2. 然后找客服确认系统中已经没有这个词了
3. 写申诉信,表明自己是误用,把别人的商标当成了关键词了,再写一些措施

太阳zzZ - 。。。

赞同来自: DiDiDi李

1. 把链接中相关词语全部删除,(如果提到了商标编号可以查询确认)
2. 然后找客服确认系统中已经没有这个词了
3. 写申诉信,表明自己是误用,把别人的商标当成了关键词了,再写一些措施


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