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最近发现了来路不明的国际站点REVIEW ,好奇我没做其他站点怎么会有这些东西。

BeboGhattas - Amazon Seller - English Communications

赞同来自: 威亲Q ChaunceyGan

Amazon is opening/adding ASINs from USA to Canada, Japan market (Along with Europe)
All your ASINs data will be *copied and linked to other marketplaces

Just go to Canada marketplace, Type your ASIN, and most likely you will find it already on Amazon system, you don't need to list it, just follow up your ASIN

There are companies in the US/CA, which is doing dropshipping, they follow listings on Canada for so high prices, when they get a sale, they order it from your US shop, ship it to Canada/their customer.

Amazon already sharing reviews across all marketplaces, so If there is a review in Canada or Europe, will be shown on your US listing under "International reviews"

*Amazon take months to get the data synchronized to other marketplaces, So it would work mostly on old ASINs


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