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品牌旗舰店问题:标题下方品牌的位置无法显示 visite the store

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现状: 美国站, 品牌备案已成功,店铺页面也已经设置好,品牌推广广告也有启用,搜索结果里面也能看到做的品牌广告,A+页面的功能也是有的, VINE 功能之前也试过。
遇到的问题:listing页面中, 品牌那里 直接显示的是品牌, 无法跳转掉品牌店铺页面, 也不像其他卖家的页面那样,listing 页面显示 Visite the XXXX store.
所以, 想知道有人遇到这样的问题吗? 要怎么解决? 我已经网上搜索了, 但是, 没有找到靠谱的解释,如果联系亚马逊客服的话, 也不确定这个问题该怎么描述才能让亚马逊客服明白。谢了
update Nov-10,2021, 广告客服转到品牌客服,又转回广告客服,客服回复说是测试中的功能,仅受邀客户可以使用, 暂时无法人工干预,只能等正式上线之后才能开放给所有品牌卖家。
1.如果确认旗舰店已过审核上线 直接找广告团队 更新权限即可 没有自动更新权限是因为你品牌当初注册的分类和现在ASIN上的分类不一致 无法重定向(我等了大概一周的样子)
3.提交随附文件 证明你可以用此品牌a+、旗舰、但品牌处不是visit the XXXX store
I understand that you are concerned regarding the brand name displaying under the ASIN instead of "visit the live store".

Please note, the option "visit the live store" which is showing up instead of brand name is feature which is in beta phase. This is why its not showing up for all the advertisers.

Our advertising team continuously keeps testing new features to provide better customer experience on website.

There is no difference between these two options. They are one and the same, if the seller has brand store both the options will redirect to live brand store. You will be notified if the feature is completely launched.

Upon checking I see that the ASINs are not redirecting to the brand store when clicked on the brand: XXXXXX on the detail page.

This is because product types like : outdoor living were not listed under the brand: xxxxxxx so the ASINs were not getting redirected to the store when clicked on the brand.

I have gone ahead and listed the product type under the brand. Please allow 4 days for the system to propagate these changes.

Rest assured, after 4 days these ASINs will be linked to the store when clicked on the brand:XXXXXX

We appreciate your understanding regarding this.


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