所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon品牌备案和授权 Amazon

如何确定身份为品牌员工代表或负责在亚马逊上销售品牌商品的代表, 获得品牌分析功能?

发帖4次 被置顶1次 被推荐1次 质量分1星 回帖互动288次 历史交流热度16.67% 历史交流深度0%
How to Identified as someone who represent the Brand's employees or representatives responsible for selling the brand's products on Amazon?
A账号授权B账号为品牌代理商,B账号一直没有品牌分析功能. 如何才能获得品牌工具分析功能?
1. A账号上操作更新B为Brand Owner(原来授权角色是Register Agent), 客服说已经更新,但是B账号看不到任何变化
2. B账号开case更新品牌角色为Brand Owner,回复:

Brand Analytics help stipulate the following conditions:

1. This feature is available to sellers who own a brand
2. This seller must be internal to the brand

Both conditions applies to me so I contacted the so called “support”, here is their answer:
Please know that Brand Analytics is only available to users that have been identified as someone who represents the Brand’s employee(s) or representative(s) responsible for selling the Brand’s products on Amazon.
I could see that you are the brand owner. Hence, I have raised this concern to our specialist team to investigate.
We are reviewing your account and will determine within 20 business days if an update to your account status is appropriate. Please note entering the review process does not guarantee your account’s status will be updated.


一颗小小星 - 不恋过往,不负当下,不畏将来

赞同来自: 亚马逊打工仔 91wing larryman 我的小饼干



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