社区 发现 Amazon 收到警告 您有为买家评论提供报酬的行为 ...
收到警告 您有为买家评论提供报酬的行为 要停止S单吗!后续来了。。
尊敬的 卖家,
还有几个问题 可以请教下各位大佬,帮忙指点迷津吗?
1.为什么会收到这个警告?是因为亚马逊检测到我S单了吗?还是备买家举报呀(我有用自养号S单,但是留评率都控制好了的,包装有售后卡 会不会是被举报的?)
2.收到警告后 要怎么操作呢,一定要全方位停止S单吗?可以只下单,不留评吗
上面那个警告是10号发过来的 我没看到,那几天还是刷了单,然后今天一大早又收到警告:
Dear Seller
Your account is at risk of being deactivated.
Why did I receive this message?
We are contacting you because you appear to have violated one or more of the following Seller Code of Conduct requirements on Amazon.com:
-- Influencing customers’ ratings, feedback, and reviews
-- Manipulating Sales Rank
-- Artificially inflating web traffic
Prohibited behaviors on Amazon.com include, but are not limited to:
-- Hiring 3rd parties to try to improve ASIN rank and/or reviews.
-- Sending packages to addresses where the recipient does not order or expect them.
-- Soliciting or accepting false or fraudulent orders.
-- Placing orders for your own products.
-- Compensating buyers for purchasing your products (including claim codes).
We're here to help.
If you have questions about this policy or the information requested above, please contact us (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/cu/contact-us). Additionally, please find general guidance for creating a plan of action in Seller Central Help (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/G201623610).
Has this message been sent in error?
If you believe there has been an error, please submit an explanation. Your explanation should include the following information:
-- Evidence or examples that demonstrate your account complies with our Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct.
-- How your account has not violated our policies.
82 个回复
赞同来自: 多维元素99 、 跨境Monter 、 amilliondreams 、 万物不及刀刀 、 Yilialee 、 Leansnag 、 Beiqing 、 xiaohan 、 愿知世故却不世故 、 Mandel 、 地球的一天 、 你说啥我没听清 、 Fushengdaxia 、 达拉崩吧 、 坏蛋阿杜 、 TonyTo 、 LimoChili 、 千山鸟飞绝 、 leniania 、 水何澹澹 、 Amelie6 、 kimutaku 、 Boomshy 、 c731189210 、 落逝繁华 、 听我狡辩 、 亚马逊momo 、 stark欧 、 KiKiKi98 、 肥得出油 、 vincent686 、 河水清且涟漪 、 聚变蓝猫 、 Jimm王 、 c605662 、 870763527 、 sjxbdmfo 、 等月光落在雪地 、 阿树淘金记 更多 »