所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon品牌备案和授权


发帖24次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动129次 历史交流热度11.34% 历史交流深度0%
Thank you for your interest in the Amazon Brand Registry. Unfortunately, we are not able to approve your application at this time. 

Reason - Website

We are not able to access the website you provided in the application. Please provide us a link to a functional website that shows the brand of products for which you are applying.
(Thank you for your interest in the Amazon Brand Registry. Unfortunately, we are not able to approve your application at this time, as your company URL is invalid. 

You are welcome to apply again in the future if you have additional information to provide during the application process. 

For more information, search on "Amazon Brand Registry" in seller Help.)

川来诺往eleven - 深圳公司、美国商标、欧盟商标、日本商标、国际专利......川诺-Eleven-13501598132(电话、微信同步)

赞同来自: 一光年 Adoncn



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