所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon各类申诉

账号收到S单通知邮件,让提供POA,陈述S单事实,与改进方法。这种情况下有没有申诉通过的朋友,采取的什么方法?承认S单还是 否认硬抗?两种方向有没有相应的经验方法?

发帖7次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动4次 历史交流热度0% 历史交流深度0%
账号收到S单通知邮件,让提供POA,陈述S单事实,与改进方法。这种情况下有没有申诉通过的朋友,采取的什么方法?承认S单还是 否认硬抗?两种方向有没有相应的经验方法?或者模板(账户暂未关停,让36小时内提供反馈)






1. After receiving the notice, we reviewed the recent records

2. Key information provision

Personal profile company name: ***

Company Address: ***

The WeChat number: ***

The 5 orders information as below:

Order number 1: ***

Review link (was removed): ***

Order number 2: ***

Review link(was removed):***

Order number 3: ***

Review link:(was removed):***

Order number 4: ***

Review link(was removed):***

Order number 5: ***

Review link(was removed):***

3. Annex POA action lists relevant requirements of the company:

1. Cut off contact with all third-party service providers. Operators need to make sure that they don't use illegal methods to get comments in the future. More importantly, the company is no longer allowed to work with any service provider.


2. All employees of the operation Department regularly check Amazon's policies to ensure that we comply with all existing policies and future policies of Amazon. Employees check Amazon stores weekly to see if any policies have been violated and report to the department head. The company regularly provides relevant training and inspection, and updates the latest policy at any time.


3. Update our user manual, improve the quality of all products, and try to avoid complaints and negative comments.


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