社区 发现 Amazon 哪一种是最佳的亚马逊SEARCH TER...
哪一种是最佳的亚马逊SEARCH TERM填写?
Monkey Boots
monkey boots for men
ladies monkey boots
monkey boots original
monkey boots women
monkey boots 1970
Monkey Boots, monkey boots for men, ladies monkey boots, monkey boots original, monkey boots women, monkey boots 1970
Monkey Boot monkey boot for man lady monkey boot monkey boot original monkey boot woman monkey boot 1970
Monkey Boots men ladies original women 1970
4-(关键词推荐写法。每行关键词采用定语+定语+定语+......+中心词的写法(例如:以绳灯为例,LED Christmas party indoor outdoor waterproof copper wire starry string lights),不要用逗号隔开,这样能最大程度的检索你的产品。不需要重复关键词,这样不会增加被检索到的几率。)要原形单数填写,而且要用正常的英文语言习惯排序后,去掉重复的词,
man lady original women 1970 Monkey Boot
5-还是像这样,***- man lady original women 1970 Monkey Boot,这么多词里面,你最想优化的是哪两个单词,或者三个单词,选取其中的两到三个,写一行,下一行同理,可以添加到两个词或三个词,最后一行可以选择堆砌的。比如Monkey Boot,是我最想优化的,第一行就写这个就行了。
第一行方案:Monkey Boot
第二行方案:man original 1970
第五行方案:man lady original women 1970 Monkey Boot
以上五种,哪一种是最佳的亚马逊SEARCH TERM填写?
29 个回复
JamesLiu - 我是跨境小哥哥
赞同来自: Daisy 、 锐泽小K 、 zjstory 、 evelyne 、 weixin13743 、 LovelyDay7 、 aeueo 、 让进步发生 、 Water森~ 、 二班长 、 laytop001 、 Ivan07_ 、 Hskhai 、 tonywst 、 ONTHEWAYTO 、 action876 、 Adoncn 、 Nkraus 、 Allen_Cao 、 lacklee 、 leonfong 、 今夕何夕 、 sunsun 、 Jessica娴 、 zhulanlan 、 风吹裤裆蛋蛋凉 、 Jean123 、 干锅牛蛙微辣 更多 »
Here are some best practices for providing keywords:
Don't provide inaccurate, misleading, or irrelevant information such as competitor product, brand or author name, wrong gender, etc. Providing misleading or irrelevant information is against Amazon policy; your listing will be removed and your seller account will be suspended. Moreover, your product might end up in a wrong browse node and your sales might get affected.
Don't provide excessively long content. Respect the limits that are set for different fields. Providing overly long content can violate Amazon selling policy. For more information, see Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions.
Don't provide redundant information that is already captured in other fields such as title, author, product description, bullet points, brand, etc. It won't improve your product placement in search results.
When entering several words as a search term, put them in the most logical order. A customer is more likely to search for big stuffed teddy bears than for teddy stuffed bears.
Use a single space to separate keywords. No commas, semicolons, carets are required.
Don't include statements that are only temporarily true, e.g., "new," "on sale," "available now".
Don't include subjective claims such as amazing, good quality, etc., as most customers don’t use subjective terms in their queries.
Don't include common misspellings of the product name. Amazon's search engine compensates for common customer misspellings and also offers corrective suggestions.
Don't provide variants of spacing, punctuation, capitalization, and pluralization ("80GB" and "80 GB", "computer" and "computers", etc.). Our search engine automatically includes different case forms, word forms, and spelling variants for searching.
Don't include terms that are abusive or offensive in nature.
Abbreviations, alternate names, topic (for books etc.), and key character (for books, movies etc.) could be included as keywords.
Here are some examples of bad keywords: