所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: 跨境税务管理 Amazon

最近收到的通知,2月底前, 亚马逊会自动把FR的销售信息都传给法国税务局?

发帖11次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动40次 历史交流热度6.73% 历史交流深度0%
如题, 这样有偷税漏税行为的, 是不是都会被100%抓到?  然后如果审查到, FR被关? 其他4个国家也会被关闭吗?  然后要补的罚金,大概是怎么计算的?  
In accordance with the French Anti-Fraud Act (provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 242 bis of the General Tax Code), Amazon is required to provide the French Tax Authority with data generated by your 2020 selling on Amazon account by 31 January 2021. This data includes sales and returns information on all global Amazon websites for shipments sent to a France destination, shipments sent from a France location, or all transaction information if you are an established France company.

Once Amazon receives confirmation that the French Tax Authority has accepted the required data filing, we will send you a Statement Related to France Activity. This statement will provide details on the information Amazon is required to remit to the French Tax Authority in regards to your Selling on Amazon activity. You will receive this statement from Amazon no later than 28 February 2020. In addition, you may access data regarding your activities in France through the reports provided by Amazon in Seller Central.

To learn more about this statement, visit https://sellercentral-europe.a ... 25520

Thank you for selling with Amazon.


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