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关于货不对版,亚马逊追责,没有活动列表是什么意思啊 我ASIN是新上传的 没问题啊,该如何处理。

发帖2次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动96次 历史交流热度60.87% 历史交流深度0%
2.23日,这个ASIN陆陆续续来了差评,然后我询问邮件,人家给的回复是,我的颜色不对,并且提供了照片,当时我的心情真的犹如万批草泥马在你胸腔一起奔腾并螺旋升天,真的是上头,tmd竟然颜色是银色的, 我明明下的需求单是金色的啊。!!!!!我这下子感觉是出了大问题。然后我看了一下货件 真的头疼,还有那么多,本打算移除的。
2.28日 接着上面但是老板心里心存侥幸,说没问题的有些顾客收到他也给了好评,但是也说了颜色的问题,这虽然是说质量好,但是这个不能这样搞啊,然后到最后确实是因为买家之声的问题被亚马逊调查,然后调查出来之后,给了我邮件 邮件内容如下:
Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,
Your offer for ASIN 1 has been temporarily suspended due to an investigation prompted by negative customer return comments.

For this investigation, we have identified misleading detail issues based on the following customer comments:

Different color, the customer wants gold instead of silver.

During this investigation, this ASIN offer will not be eligible to send additional units into Amazon’s fulfillment centers.

Amazon is dedicated to customer satisfaction and our team is working to troubleshoot this issue for you.

The investigation commenced involves checking a sample of your inventory to verify customer reported issues and ensure that units in our fulfillment centers are satisfactory and meet customer expectations based on what is displayed on the listing page.

From the findings of this assessment, we will notify you if corrective measures are necessary for the rest of your inventory or if more information is required from you to fix any issues potentially found.

Please Note: this message pertains solely to this case and is subject to any applicable company policies, restrictions or updates. Please refer to seller central https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/homepage.html/ or contact seller support at https://sellercentral.amazon.com/help/ for more information.
2.28晚上,彻夜难免 深夜起来,整理了一下思路,发现第二批货马上就到,于是点开case用蹩脚的英文回复:
Dear Amazon:
We noticed the error of asin. We found that the problem was because our workers made a mistake about the goods, and we determined that the goods were correct before. However,FBA ID: FBA1XXXXXXX was partially wrong about asin ASIN1. Could you just help us remove the information about ASIN XXXXXXXX in FBA ID:FBA2XXXXXXX2 ? Thank you very much. If you can, please reply to me as soon as possible.
3.1 下午终于恢复了case:点开一看:是亚马逊回复确实他妈的颜色不对邮件不上了,然后她要求我提供新的ASIN,
Dear Seller,
Thank you for writing back to us.

Please note there is no active listing for the provided ASIN hence requesting you to create the ASIN.

If you do not already have an active listing for the correct ASIN that these units belong to, you can create one in order to proceed.

If a correct ASIN has not been provided even after 24 hours, all incorrectly labeled units will automatically be changed to Unfulfillable status.

Please note we have reinstated your offer and moved your inventory to reserved status until this issue is resolved. In order to continue selling this ASIN, please reactivate your listing. This will enable you to resume sales as soon as possible.

For information about reactivating a listing, please refer to seller central: https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... EOYYQ

We appreciate your cooperation in helping us process your inventory in a timely and accurate manner.

Thank you for selling with Amazon,

Jitendra J.
Fulfillment by Amazon Support
3.2下午我回复:we've create a new listing,its' asin is : ASIN2
Please note that we have a new batch of goods arriving at Amazon's warehouse: FBAI D :FBA2, which contains ASin1 We make sure that the goods are correct. We are worried about whether you will replace the new goods with silver labels.
3.4亚马逊回复:Dear Seller,
Thank you for writing back to us.

Please note there is no active listing for the provided ASIN hence requesting you to create the ASIN.

If a ASIN has not been created even after 24 hours, all incorrectly labeled units will automatically be changed to Unfulfillable status.

Please note we have reinstated your offer and moved your inventory to reserved status until this issue is resolved. In order to continue selling this ASIN, please reactivate your listing. This will enable you to resume sales as soon as possible.
我看到这封邮件我是真的烦,因为她说的没有活动列表是什么意思啊  我ASIN是新上传的 没问题啊,!!!!!!!!我开了其他CASE 回复都是没问题的啊 啊啊啊啊 啊 
你好 ,我想知道的 你说的我所提供的ASIN没有活动列表 说的是asin2 吗? 但是 我们确实已经上传了,并且在我们后台显示的是活动的 所以我并不是很能理解你说的,所以你能告诉我 我现在该对ASIN2 进行怎么操作呢? 我很着急
hello, we do upload a listing for these wrong inventory and in my store its'status is active , why you say that there is no active listing for the provided ASIN hence. plz check and help,
3.5 亚马逊回复:

Dear Seller,
Thank you for writing back to us.

Please note there is mapping for ASIN 2 but you do not have listing for that ASIN hence we request you to create a listing.

If a ASIN has not been created even after last 24 hours, all incorrectly labeled units will automatically be changed to Unfulfillable status.

Please note we have reinstated your offer and moved your inventory to reserved status until this issue is resolved. In order to continue selling this ASIN, please reactivate your listing. This will enable you to resume sales as soon as possible.
真的和机器人一样啊 我真的不知道我新上传的listing哪里有问题真的不知道啊,开其他case都是回复我的asin没问题没问题,啊啊啊  
求大哥们帮帮我吧 告诉我 到底哪里有问题
我看了下 也没看亚马逊怎么追究你的责任了啊。。无非就正常的把库存转为保留状态,你联系下FBA看能不能帮你换标吧,不行就创建移除订单 把货移除到海外仓 海外仓换标完成出来之后再发回去


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