所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon销售和运营 Amazon


发帖8次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动44次 历史交流热度18.31% 历史交流深度0%
申请的时候要求提供“至少应提供从制造商或分销商处购买商品的1购买发票”或则“XXX 颁发的授权书,授权您可以销售其商品”,于是我们提供了授权书。昨天收到亚马逊的回复如下:
Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

Thank you for your interest in selling XXX brand. We have reviewed the information that you provided and determined that it does not meet our requirements. To continue processing your application, address the following issues:

You have provided a brand registry authorization. Provide an invoice reflecting the itemised list of goods purchased and the terms of sale.

Please respond to this case by providing documents that remedy the issues described above. Ensure that the documentation you submit meets the following requirements, if applicable:

– Invoices must be dated within the last 180 days, or reflect the delivery or purchase of products within the last 180 days.
– Invoices must show the combined purchase of at least 10 units
– All documents must be valid and unexpired.
– All documents must be clear and legible. No information, other than pricing, may be redacted.
– All documents must include your name and address, as listed within your selling account.
– All documents must include the issuer’s name and contact information (for example, phone number, address, email address, website).

Thank you for selling with Amazon.


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