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刚刚facebook 看到 老外的帳号被封因为下列原因

HELP! I was notified by Amazon that my account was suspended do to product review manipulation. They said they had recently emailed me abt the matter, but I have received no such email and the suspension was out of the blue. I am not doing any giveaways.

I do send follow up emails asking for a product review if they liked the item or to contact me if there are any issues and I will resolve it.....could this follow up email or the wording be what Amazon has suspended my account for? This was completely out of the blue and help would be greatly appreciated!


jdy21 - vp purchase

赞同来自: 小白233 跨境女王

they all used "feedback genius" to follow up 並要求 review, 好幾個帳號都被封


x 点击咨询