所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon各类申诉

有效追踪率低导致 账号类目受限,有没有什么要点或者有人申诉通过吗?

发帖7次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动396次 历史交流热度5.93% 历史交流深度0%


赞同来自: maxxxaz

4. 重中之重,如果实际是已经到货的,一单单解释原因,附上到货状态和跟踪轨迹的链接!!!
像我这边一个是运营填错快递方式云途YT开头快递订单确选择了USPS。直接说这些单子因为填错物流公司导致无法追踪,但实际已经到货。订单号A,快递单号A,blah blah之类一堆。
5. 任何时候都可以去申诉,通过了就能回来。我这边一个账号隔了大半年才知道被禁止,但是幸好无效追踪的那些运营有备份,在去申请也是秒过。 附上POA的部分内容,有一些是参考了以前同行的部分内容。
1)Keep tracking the packages frequently until the package is delivered successfully when we confirm the shipment.
2)Negotiate with the logistic carrier.
① They should shipped out packages in time according to the agreed time upon receipt of the packages.
② The logistics information of each package must be online for tracking timely, truly and effectively.
③ If there is a delay or lost in the delivery of the package, they need to inform us in time so that we can notify the buyer and take corresponding measures.
3)On one hand, we will change more and more inventory to fulfilled by Amazon to ensure that the packages will make quick, safe and accurate arrival. On the other hand, we will replenish inventory in a timely manner to prevent orders that cannot be shipped due to product shortages, ensure that the order can be shipped within the agreed time. We will strive to provide faster and better service for our customers.
4) We certainly carried out these plans in the past a few months once we recognized this mistake. We list all 17 orders in Home Category in this year (Pls refer to attachment: logistics information of 17 orders in Home). All these orders are with valid tracking, filled in correct information, shipped timely and delivered ahead of Amazon promised delivery date.


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