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Hello from Amazon Advertiser Support,
Under European Union Value Added Tax (EU VAT) rules and similar regulations across multiple countries, Amazon is required to collect and remit taxes on the provision of remote services (or Electronically Supplied Service (ESS)).

Tax is applicable on advertising fees charged to seller and vendor advertisers when the following criteria are met:

1. Advertiser has not provided Amazon with a valid VAT/GST registration number; and

2. Is a resident of an ESS country; and

3. Advertises on Amazon.com (US)

Amazon will collect the standard rate of VAT/GST applicable to your country of business establishment when a VAT/GST ID is not provided. This will be applicable to all of your Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display advertising campaigns on amazon.com.

Note that, in certain countries, Amazon may be required to collect VAT/GST even if a VAT/GST ID is provided.

issuance. Therefore, VAT/GST may still be collected on invoices issued prior to the time you updated your address or registration number.

Note also that, in certain countries, Amazon may be required to collect VAT/GST even if a VAT/GST ID is provided.

Go to Seller Account Information, or Advertising Console Payment Settings and review each section to ensure that all of your information is complete and accurate.

Note that there may be several addresses and payment methods associated with your account.


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