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wendyfang - 95后亚马逊运营


The following are the requirements for modifying brand name compliance:

1. The physical picture of the goods that can confirm the correct UPC and EAN of the goods (the picture is printed and engraved with the brand name, it needs to be permanent. ).

If the product itself does not have UPC, EAN can provide a physical map or official website to confirm the correct information.

2. An independent official website that can confirm the goods themselves and the correct UPC and EAN information of the goods. (you cannot use the URL of the shopping platform as an independent official website).

3. Fill in the existing brand name and the brand name you want to change.

4. Fill in the ASIN of the item you need to modify. In addition, please ensure that the quality of the picture you provide is clear and readable. If any PS trace is found in the picture during the audit process, it will not be approved.


wendyfang - 95后亚马逊运营


The following are the requirements for modifying brand name compliance:

1. The physical picture of the goods that can confirm the correct UPC and EAN of the goods (the picture is printed and engraved with the brand name, it needs to be permanent. ).

If the product itself does not have UPC, EAN can provide a physical map or official website to confirm the correct information.

2. An independent official website that can confirm the goods themselves and the correct UPC and EAN information of the goods. (you cannot use the URL of the shopping platform as an independent official website).

3. Fill in the existing brand name and the brand name you want to change.

4. Fill in the ASIN of the item you need to modify. In addition, please ensure that the quality of the picture you provide is clear and readable. If any PS trace is found in the picture during the audit process, it will not be approved.



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