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发帖2次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动132次 历史交流热度10.53% 历史交流深度0%
— Your description of the copyrighted work does not match the content you reported infringement.

We handle only one intellectual property (IP) complaint at a time. To ensure high quality and fast resolution of your notice of infringement, we will only process the specific types of complaints (such as patents, trademarks or copyrights) that you select in the Report Infringement or Report Violations form. If you have additional IP concerns, please submit additional notices of infringement.

For example, you choose a trademark infringement but discuss copyright issues in the information you submit, which causes the notice to be treated as a trademark complaint. To report trademark infringement and copyright infringement, please submit separate notice of infringement.
有品牌的情况下在品牌旗舰店--选择注册您的品牌--选择举报违规行为--选择站点和asin,搜索--选择显示所有图片,选择对应侵权图片--右上角选择问题类型--版权侵权--选择XXX未经授权的图片--提供链接(我的链接是图片的原图上传到QQ空间里提取出来的,上传之前我会确保图片右击查看信息是有拍摄时间等信息)--填写更多信息,例如我是xx品牌的拥有者并在xx站进行品牌备案,今日发现xxxasin未经我的许可非法使用 xx品牌的图片,该图片拍摄于xxx时间,我们提供了原始图片,希望亚马逊如何处理,然后提供侵权卖家的店铺名称、asin和前台链接balabalabala...。这个投诉我百发百中,目前尚未有过太亚马逊团队不接受的举报。希望对大家有帮助哈。


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