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终于知道为什么要把早期评论者计划废了?看看官方邮件,vine 绿标居然要收钱了,200多刀

发帖17次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动127次 历史交流热度3.3% 历史交流深度0%

Thank you for participating in the Amazon Vine program, and for using our service during the promotional period.

Amazon Vine invites the most trusted reviewers on Amazon to post opinions about new and pre-release items to help their fellow customers make informed purchase decisions. Amazon invites customers to become Vine Voices based on their reviewer rank, which is a reflection of the quality and helpfulness of their reviews as judged by other Amazon customers.

Thousands of companies have participated in Amazon Vine have found it valuable, and on average, reviews from Vine Voices have been shown to help boost sales by 19.6%*.  Starting October 12, 2021 Amazon Vine will charge a USD 200 fee for each newly enrolled product to ensure long-term sustainability of the program.

Please review the following FAQs for more information about this change:

1. Do I have to participate in Amazon Vine in order to request reviews?
No. Amazon is continually requesting reviews on behalf of sellers, and sellers can ask customers to leave a product review through Buyer-Seller Messaging. Amazon Vine is an optional program available to all brands selling in our store.

2. When will the fee be charged?
Starting October 12, 2021, the fee will be charged once per enrolled product seven days after the publication date of the first Vine review for that product. Fees are not refundable.

3. What will happen if the product does not get any reviews?
We will not charge the fee if the product does not get any reviews, or first Vine review is published more than 90 days from the date we make your product available to Vine Voices.

4. Will my products currently enrolled in the program be impacted by this change?
No, the fee will only apply to products enrolled in the program after October 12, 2021.
You can view Vine Terms & Conditions here -
https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... ZXHBG

Selling Partner Support does not have additional information about this change.

Amazon Services
看看官方邮件,vine 绿标居然要收钱了,200多刀,亚马逊真黑心呀。不知道能给我们多少评论,有没有ASIN限制,哎


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