所在分类:  VAT&海外税务 所属圈子: 跨境税务管理 Amazon德国


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请问下大家之前收到的德国VAT地址问题,都有发邮件去de-vat-number-appeals@amazon.com解释的吗? 税代说邮件解释一下,我们前一周发邮件解释了,发现亚马逊的回复都是一样的,还是说如果不一致的就要去改,请问下大家有收到回复吗?这种情况要怎么办呢,是去改还是观望呢?
1收到邮件了就说明地址信息有误!必须处理!两个方案,请您核 对:方案 1(大多数的卖家可自行解决): 如果地址其实是对的,但被税务局给弄错了,DE 开头的税号证书地 址被缩写、简写、有空格或逗号等其他符号、邮编出错、部分信息出 错(楼号写反...)" 等地址错误 ,请卖家使用英文写邮件到 de-vat-number-appeals@amazon.com 说明情况并带上 DE 证书,因为 DE 证书就能证明储存在 Bzst 的公司信息是什么(说明下为啥是这么 显示的,比如税务局给挪位子了,税务局给少些了之类的)卖家用自 己的邮箱去发,注明自己的卖家 ID。 
然后我写信的模板是如下 照搬请做一下修改哈 然后 附件附上你的税务证明(这很重要很多卖家没有附上!!!)就行:
Dear Amazon,

Seller ID: 

  The address in Amazon Seller Central is the same as the address on the VAT

 However, due to system technical problems of the German Tax Agency, the name and address on the VAT certificate cannot be exactly the same as the company address in Amazon Seller Central.

Because the Chinese company name and address are longer than the German address. Tax officials sometimes delete part of the address or rearrange the address, abbreviations, abbreviations, spaces or commas, etc. to facilitate their entry into the system

 This has caused the Amazon system to believe that the information is inconsistent. Please refer to the tax certificate attached. This can prove that our addresses are the same

   Please note that our company name and address on the VAT certificate are consistent with the information in Seller Central.

 Seller ID: 

 Attached is the tax certificate
