亚马逊要求提供的材料只有2项:Proof of Delivery(POD)、Proof of Purchase (Invoice)。针对Proof of Purchase (Invoice),亚马逊对非制造商的采购及制造商的要求是不一样,由于as a manufacturer需要提交的资料更少,所以我们按照第2种来,提供PDF的装箱单(即物流的packing list)。
亚马逊的文件格式要求:接受PDF、JPEG、PNG,不接受excel sheet或者形式发票
Please be aware that these documents must be provided in English language (translated) and in a non editable format, such as PDF, JPEG or ttyl. If any type of excel sheet or proforma invoice is provided, then it will not be valid to request a reimbursement transaction approval to our credit financial department.
The invoice must be the original invoice, show the purchase of the products from a supplier or manufacturer, and include:
The date of that purchase
The titles of the missing units
The quantity purchased
Full name and address of invoice issuer
Full name and address of purchaser
作为制造商提供packing list的要求
If you are the manufacturer, please send a copy of the packing slip, which must include:
The date of delivery
The titles of the missing units
The quantity shipped
reconcile界面有时会出现【We like to get it right.The date your shipment becomes eligible for investigation will be shown after all your boxes have been checked in. We appreciate your patience.】,证明该SQ亚马逊暂时不支持调查,需要等待。
To request an investigation into the number of units received, go to the Reconcile tab for your shipment in your Shipping Queue. Creating your request there allows us to gather the necessary information more efficiently and resolve your case faster.
At this time, we recommend our sellers to submit an investigation through your shipping queue so that your case will be directed to the correct department who have access to information and tools to resolve the issue. Please see the steps below.
Packing List只保留PR、SKU、Description of Goods、QTY(pcs) 、Carton netWeight、Carton grossWeight、Carton Quantity,转成PDF保存。
4.在Provide additional information处可以说明:As we are manufacturer, we provide packing slip as the invoice you required, please review attached packing list and Proof of Delivery, thanks.
【For small parcel shipments, Amazon needs the tracking ID for each shipped package in order to start the research. Make sure you have entered all tracking IDs in the Track shipment tab on the Shipment Summary page before you submit the reconciliation request.】。
5 个回复
SugarBoy - 大厂的一颗螺丝钉
赞同来自: Lbulus 、 张子卿 、 小木头0992
亚马逊要求提供的材料只有2项:Proof of Delivery(POD)、Proof of Purchase (Invoice)。针对Proof of Purchase (Invoice),亚马逊对非制造商的采购及制造商的要求是不一样,由于as a manufacturer需要提交的资料更少,所以我们按照第2种来,提供PDF的装箱单(即物流的packing list)。
亚马逊的文件格式要求:接受PDF、JPEG、PNG,不接受excel sheet或者形式发票
Please be aware that these documents must be provided in English language (translated) and in a non editable format, such as PDF, JPEG or ttyl. If any type of excel sheet or proforma invoice is provided, then it will not be valid to request a reimbursement transaction approval to our credit financial department.
The invoice must be the original invoice, show the purchase of the products from a supplier or manufacturer, and include:
The date of that purchase
The titles of the missing units
The quantity purchased
Full name and address of invoice issuer
Full name and address of purchaser
作为制造商提供packing list的要求
If you are the manufacturer, please send a copy of the packing slip, which must include:
The date of delivery
The titles of the missing units
The quantity shipped
1.请去Inventory-manage FBA shipments,用SQ搜索-tranck shipment,点击reconcile,查看发运及收货数量差异。
reconcile界面有时会出现【We like to get it right.The date your shipment becomes eligible for investigation will be shown after all your boxes have been checked in. We appreciate your patience.】,证明该SQ亚马逊暂时不支持调查,需要等待。
To request an investigation into the number of units received, go to the Reconcile tab for your shipment in your Shipping Queue. Creating your request there allows us to gather the necessary information more efficiently and resolve your case faster.
At this time, we recommend our sellers to submit an investigation through your shipping queue so that your case will be directed to the correct department who have access to information and tools to resolve the issue. Please see the steps below.
为零,No action required;
为正数,Unexpected-Please Research;
为负数,Missing-Please Research。
并上传索赔所需文件POD(PDF或者其他图片格式JPEG、PNG)+Packing list(PDF格式),点击submit。
Packing List只保留PR、SKU、Description of Goods、QTY(pcs) 、Carton netWeight、Carton grossWeight、Carton Quantity,转成PDF保存。
4.在Provide additional information处可以说明:As we are manufacturer, we provide packing slip as the invoice you required, please review attached packing list and Proof of Delivery, thanks.
●赔偿。如赔偿请记录Reimbursement ID和Reimbursement Amount。
SPD(Small parcel delivery to Amazon)小包裹快递派送的特殊处理
需要提供的资料只有:invoice即PDF版本的packing list。然后必须要在track shipment手工填入tr#,请注意如果是普通空运的话,只会有1个tr#,如果是UPS派送的话,会有多个tr#。
UPS翻到最后一页或者两页会有该批次所有的tr#(通常与track shipment需要填入的tr#数量是一致的,第1个tr#是PDF第1页或者最后1页的UPS Waybill No.),普通空运左上角会有1个tr#(重复填入该track shipment)。
请注意:UPS一定要把所有tr#都填进Track shipment,否则亚马逊会以提供的tr#重量比实际产品重量相对比过轻,判定卖家并没有按照shipment contents送货,拒绝赔偿。
track shipment界面无法通过传表或者其他方式批量填入tr#,只能够手工填写。并且由于亚马逊后台程序反应慢,大家一定要边填边保存。
直接在help界面开case,附上原case ID及原case要求提供的资料,要求客服继续进行调查。
【For small parcel shipments, Amazon needs the tracking ID for each shipped package in order to start the research. Make sure you have entered all tracking IDs in the Track shipment tab on the Shipment Summary page before you submit the reconciliation request.】。
1、先去prepare shipment界面确认运输方式【shipping service】。