所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon各类申诉


发帖5次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动75次 历史交流热度30.56% 历史交流深度0%
2016/4/8  4:14 亚马逊回复

1.关于ASIN A 、ASIN B已经帮您恢复销售权限,目前已经是active状态,您可以通过您的卖家后台或者附件的截图进行查看。
2.关于ASIN C 我知道你想继续售卖这个商品 : 对目前给您带来的困扰表示抱歉,经过查看,商品目前是因为被另一个团队审核,所以暂时不可售卖,关于这个问题,请联系审核这几个商品的团队(电子邮件地址pq-preapprovals@amazon.com),并且提供您售卖这些商品的制造商的授权书和发票,如果您是制造商,请您提供您的营业执照和产品检测证书。这些资料中需要包括您的卖家名称信息。为了更好的解决你的问题,请您在邮件中清楚地描述你的问题。
此时发现ASIN D 和E也变成inactive,给pq-preapprovals@amazon.com发邮件,并提供了厂家授权书,询问ASIN C、D、E的问题所在(均有库存)
2016/4/8   17:47 亚马逊回复
Greetings from Amazon, 

We are pleased to announce you have been approved to sell restricted ASINs below on Amazon.com.


Thank you for your patience during the pre-approval process.
Kindly note that the restrictions were placed in order maintain the quality of the product. All the sellers listing the products also have been notified and their offers have been duly blocked. Unless a 'Letter of Authorization' or invoices showing authentic purchases are not provided. the offers will be blocked.

In order to activate the listings in your inventory, please delete and relist them. 
2016/4/8  20:42  又突然收到seller-performance@amazon.com的邮件,如下:

We have removed listings from our site for the following item because we have received buyer complaints regarding the items sold against this ASIN. Your listing will remain inactive until we can work with you to resolve the concern.

To maintain a trusted marketplace for buyers and sellers, we take immediate action when we identify buyer complaints regarding the condition, description and authenticity of products.

What you can do

To help us complete our review of this ASIN, email pq-asin-review@amazon.com the following:

Copies of invoices or receipts from your supplier issued in the last 180 days. These should reflect your sales volume during that time.
Your supplier's contact information including name, phone number, address, and website.
Any additional details you would like us to know.
You may obscure pricing information on any receipts or invoices you send. We ask that you do not obscure any other portion of these documents.

What happens next

We'll review the information you send and get back to you with an answer as soon as possible. If we can confirm the information you provide, we'll reinstate your listing on your behalf immediately. Please remember that complaints about your listings may result in the removal of your Amazon selling privileges.

Learn more

Sellers should understand our policies regarding product authenticity. To learn more, search "Prohibited Content" in Seller Central Help.
2016/4/9  1:16 
Amazon Services

(This message was sent by an automated e-mail system that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to it.)

Dear 卖家名,

As requested, your listings for the following items have been canceled: 


Your items no longer appear in the Amazon.com catalog and cannot be purchased. You can review the details of your canceled listings, including the price, condition, and seller comments for each individual listing, by visiting the Inventory section in your seller account. Your closed listings appear in the Inactive view of your current inventory. 
2016/4/9  1:20
对应ASIN C的SKU也收到items have been canceled的上述自动邮件

Smile778 - 磨刀不误砍柴工。

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