所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon各类申诉 检测认证合规
悬赏金额:¥200.00 赏金总额:¥200.00 私密悬赏帖 【围观规则】


发帖8次 被置顶5次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动68次 历史交流热度28.89% 历史交流深度0%

Hello from Amazon,
We are contacting you as our records show that you are selling products that are restricted for sale on Amazon.com.
For the safety of our customers, the ASINs listed at the bottom of this email have been removed from Amazon. We are not accepting applications to sell these products.
If you believe the classification was done in error, please email highrisk-electronicsafety@amazon.com. with an explanation and all available evidence so we can review.
If we confirm your products are restricted you will not be able to sell the below listed product(s) on Amazon.
FOR FBA Offers: If you have any inventory of these products remaining in our fulfillment centers, you’ll have 30 days from the date your listing has been removed to create a removal order. Instructions for creating a removal order can be found on the Remove Inventory Overview at https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... 80650
If you do not request a removal, automated removal orders will be triggered. Standard removal fees apply.
Thank you for your attention to this important announcement.
Sincerely, Amazon Services


For the safety of our customers, the ASINs listed at the bottom of this email have been removed from Amazon. We are not accepting applications to sell these products.

If you believe the classification was done in error, please email highrisk-electronicsafety@amazon.com. with an explanation and all available evidence so we can review.

Please note that the provided ASIN cannot be approved due to safety reasons.
As part of our ongoing efforts to provide the best possible customer experience, Amazon is implementing listing restrictions for Lithium Ion Battery Cells. You will no longer be able to sell these products and your listings will be removed. We are not accepting applications to sell these products.
We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for selling on Amazon.
Thank you for selling with Amazon,
Anjana U.
Amazon.com Seller Support
回复明确提到了是因为锂电池原因,亚马逊正在实施锂离子电池的上架限制。 这个新限制似乎比以往的更加严厉,亚马逊明确表示不接受这类型产品的销售申请。


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