社区 发现 Amazon 亚马逊店铺因为侵权被封!第一次遇到这种情...
- 根据之前客服所说,我一直以为是listing涉及了品牌名称导致的侵权,但是根据邮件所说的“Potential Copyright Image Misuse”,是图片侵权了?
- 这种申诉材料有没有实用点的模板呢,刚下载了一个,解决方案前两条好像有点悬,这种要是客服要求提供赔偿方案细则那不是死了……:解决方案 (1)我们联系了权利人,为我们的错误向他道歉,并且提出了赔偿损失的方案;We contacted the rights owner and apologized to him for our mistake via email and proposed a compensation package. (2)我们删除了所有相关的侵权 ASIN,并移除了相关的库存; We deleted all related infringing ASINs and removed related inventor。
- 或者有没有稳点的服务商推荐呢?早上问了一个包不包过,他说不过不收费……既然找服务商,要的当然是包过啦~~~~
19 个回复
赞同来自: Rowser 、 老韭菜阿文啊 、 程冠吸张驳汁
1. 是图片侵权
2. 客服不会让你提供细则,或者已赔偿截图等。
3. 侃侃的玲珑跨境和西游都可以啊。
----Greater detail on the actions you have taken to resolve the infringement issues.
We make a few plans to improve our service:
1.We have double check the complainer listing information, and we proactively deleted all the copyrighted content that may cause infringement. We have modified our listing information with new product detail pages. We have checked other listings to ensure there is no possibility of infringement. 删除侵权内容 修改链接卖点
2.Contacted the right owner at the first time to make an apology. 联系投诉人 做出道歉,说是这么说,亚马逊不会扣你的钱给对方的。
We have contacted the rights owner many times; we want to make an apology and compensate to their losses. We want to deeply express our apology for our unintentional mistake and we asked if it’s possible to give them a phone call to discuss further and we are ready to do whatever it takes to clear up this dispute and retract the complaints. All reasonable claims will be accepted. If necessary, we can authorize Amazon to compensate them, all expenses can deduct from our account.
3.To ensure all the product detail page information we will use be qualified, we added 2 people as listing reviewers. Their responsibility is to check the product detail pages and make sure all the information are not copied from others. All the information should be wrote by ourselves.
4. Employee copyright training: We have organized product detail page copyright training. Product developers, Pre and after sales team and operation team had joined. Organize frequent copyright training of Amazon policies and copyright knowledge test:
We will use current copyright infringement as a case to be publicized the future training, emphasizing the importance of copyright.
5.Punish the employee to emphasized we have the zero tolerance about IP infringement.
We fired the employee who should be responsible for this infringement, although this is not all her faults. She should have stopped the mistake when received the warning from Amazon, but she didn’t. Everyone should be responsible for his own behavior. We would never let this kind of mistakes happen again in our company and we want everyone know that we have zero tolerance about infringement.
6.Adjusted some management process to strengthen the supervision.
Firstly, we requested that all the product detail pages information should be checked by sales manager before releasing to make sure there is no infringing risk; Besides, we requested the sales manager to check the employs’ works and the account performance weekly, especially for the account health.
赞同来自: Rowser 、 老韭菜阿文啊 、 程冠吸张驳汁
1. 是图片侵权
2. 客服不会让你提供细则,或者已赔偿截图等。
3. 侃侃的玲珑跨境和西游都可以啊。
----Greater detail on the actions you have taken to resolve the infringement issues.
We make a few plans to improve our service:
1.We have double check the complainer listing information, and we proactively deleted all the copyrighted content that may cause infringement. We have modified our listing information with new product detail pages. We have checked other listings to ensure there is no possibility of infringement. 删除侵权内容 修改链接卖点
2.Contacted the right owner at the first time to make an apology. 联系投诉人 做出道歉,说是这么说,亚马逊不会扣你的钱给对方的。
We have contacted the rights owner many times; we want to make an apology and compensate to their losses. We want to deeply express our apology for our unintentional mistake and we asked if it’s possible to give them a phone call to discuss further and we are ready to do whatever it takes to clear up this dispute and retract the complaints. All reasonable claims will be accepted. If necessary, we can authorize Amazon to compensate them, all expenses can deduct from our account.
3.To ensure all the product detail page information we will use be qualified, we added 2 people as listing reviewers. Their responsibility is to check the product detail pages and make sure all the information are not copied from others. All the information should be wrote by ourselves.
4. Employee copyright training: We have organized product detail page copyright training. Product developers, Pre and after sales team and operation team had joined. Organize frequent copyright training of Amazon policies and copyright knowledge test:
We will use current copyright infringement as a case to be publicized the future training, emphasizing the importance of copyright.
5.Punish the employee to emphasized we have the zero tolerance about IP infringement.
We fired the employee who should be responsible for this infringement, although this is not all her faults. She should have stopped the mistake when received the warning from Amazon, but she didn’t. Everyone should be responsible for his own behavior. We would never let this kind of mistakes happen again in our company and we want everyone know that we have zero tolerance about infringement.
6.Adjusted some management process to strengthen the supervision.
Firstly, we requested that all the product detail pages information should be checked by sales manager before releasing to make sure there is no infringing risk; Besides, we requested the sales manager to check the employs’ works and the account performance weekly, especially for the account health.