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被 internet.eu@snbreact.org 投诉商标侵权,有几十家ASIN 被投诉了,实际上商标并未侵权,该如何申诉?

发帖6次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动55次 历史交流热度19.05% 历史交流深度0%

We are contacting you because we received a report of trademark infringement from the rights owner listed below. Sellers on Amazon.com are not allowed to create listings or detail pages that infringe trademark rights. 

We removed the content listed at the end of this email. We may let you list this content again if we receive a retraction from the rights owner. Their contact information can be found below. 

-- internet.eu@snbreact.org 

If the rights owner agrees to retract their complaint, they must send the retraction to us at notice-dispute@amazon.com

If you believe that the reported content does not infringe the rights owner’s trademark, you may email notice-dispute@amazon.com with supporting information. 

If the rights owner does not retract their complaint, or you do not provide supporting information, we may provide your contact information to the rights owner upon their request. 

We consider intellectual property infringements a serious matter, and your account is under review. If we receive more complaints about your listings, we may not allow you to sell on Amazon.com. 

To learn more about this policy, search for "Intellectual Property Violations" in Seller Central Help. 

Infringement type: Trademark 


以上是收到的侵权通知邮件,有几十家都被投诉下架了,网上查了下snb react 是欧洲的一个非营利性投诉组织,专门帮投诉各种侵权,并非品牌或者商标持有人。




子不语啦啦啦 - 亚马逊电商进阶

赞同来自: 墨文风

遇到过类似情况 因为自己某个asin卖的比较好 所以被人恶意以商标侵权投诉 实际并没有 这种情况你联系投诉人基本上没有任何用 因为不会有任何回复 其次去联系亚马逊notice-dispute@amazon.com 和seller performance邮箱去做申诉 申诉内容围绕没有商标侵权为主  说明自己联系了权利人但没有收到回复 提供自己的商品购买发票 自己的商标PDF TM或者R标的  提供商品的一些商品专利或者厂家授权书之类的,给亚马逊做以说明 如果运气好 就可以申诉回来 亲测有效 但是不排除有人继续投诉


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