所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon销售和运营


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Reasons clicks may be invalidated include:
  - Unusual click patterns 不正常的点击模式
  - Clicks identified as being machine generated 机器批量造成的点击
  - Duplicated clicks 重复点击


去后台的reports(报告)-bussiness reports(商业报告)可以看到相关的数据如下

这里的sessions(访问)和page views及clicks是三个不同的概念
sessions的概念和UV(unique visitor)类似,指的是一个顾客一段时间内在你的商品详情页进行的一系列行为
如果在这段时间内他货比三家,多次访问你的商品也只算是一次sessions,但可能会产生多次page views和多次clicks
那么用 总sessions-广告sessions=自然流量sessions
因为一次广告click并不一定会产生一次page view更别说session,比如点进去马上就退出
先说转化率,在上图中有一栏数据是unit session percentage,也就是units/sessions
最后关于page views,一般是page views,sessions和广告clicks放在一起比较
如果page views比sessions多很多,说明顾客会多次浏览你的商品再决定是否购买
如果clicks比page views多很多,说明广告效果不好,顾客看都没看就退出了
[b]复制转发一个知友之前开Case问的Session和Page View 给各位看看,方便理解。


您好,来自Amazon Advertiser支持,







请注意,与您的Amazon Advertising广告系列相关的任何点击,印象,支出等数据只会显示在您的特定广告报告和广告系列经理仪表板上。


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例如:买方点击了您的广告,页面正在加载,然后完全加载,买方关闭了页面。因此,它将计为“点击”,但不会计入“会话”中。这就是您在Campaign Manager和“业务”报告中看到点击和会话不同的原因。

此外,我想通知您,业务报告与Campaign Manager中显示的内容不匹配。这是预期的,因为业务报告和赞助产品报告正在从不同的来源和不同的时间获取其信息。话虽如此,我向您保证,业务报告的销售来自所有来源。


业务报告不包括来自Amazon Advertising的数据。业务报告包含有关您的卖方中心帐户,其功能以及该帐户中包含的项目的数据。




让我们将自然搜索结果视为“ A”,并将赞助产品视为“ B”

如果卖方单击“ A”,他们将被重定向到产品详细信息页面,并且将被记录为1页面浏览。

如果卖方单击“ B”,则将其记录为一次单击,如果在单击广告后加载了详细页面,则该页面将为一页视图。






作为广告团队的一部分,我想向您保证,您的Campaign Manager点击已更新,准确,并且在这种情况下一切正常。我们建议以不同的目的使用Sessions数据和Advertising数据。



Please note that my original response is in English, and I used an automatic translation system to get a Mandarin translation. You will see the Mandarin response first, followed by the original English response.

Hello from Amazon Advertiser Support,

Thank you for writing back to us.

I understand that you want to know if number of buyer visits in the seller ’s back-end business report include clicks generated in the advertisement.

I apologize for the inconvenience which is caused to you due to this issue.

> The clicks on the advertising reports appear due to clicks on the ad campaigns and the sessions in the business reports appear from organic search results.

Thus, each report has a different source. Kindly note that both the reports have a discrepancy in the number of clicks or views because they are from different sources.

I would like to confirm that the Clicks from the Advertising campaigns do not appear in the "Sessions and Page" views section in Business reports. Please understand that the source which records the advertising data and organic search data are different which is the reason we do not include clicks and impressions data in the business reports.

Kindly note that any clicks, impressions, spend etc data related to your Amazon Advertising campaigns will only appear in your specific Advertising reports and campaign manager dash board.
You have access to these reports in the following steps:
1. Login to your Seller Central account.
2. Click on Advertising tab > Campaign Manager tab
3. Click on "Advertising reports".
You can find a variety of reports there which will give you the clicks data during the customized date range of your choice.

I would like to let you know that the page views/sessions from business report and the impressions/clicks in campaign manager/advertising reports are correlated with marginal variance.

What's the difference between sessions and clicks?

What is a session:
A session corresponds to a customer visit to Amazon pages. During a visit, even though a customer views a number of pages multiple times (within 24 hours), it will all be considered as one session.

What is a Page View:
Page views are the actual number of times a customer visited a product page. When you normally visit a detail page of any product that will be counted as a page view.

For example, if you visit the detail page of the product 5 times then it will be counted as 5 page views but 1 session. In one session a customer can have multiple page views. As a result, the report can show a lower number of sessions than page views.

What is a Click:

A click is only considered for the Sponsored products ads and not the organic search results. It is the number of times your sponsored ad was clicked by the customer. If a customer clicks on your ad 5 times within 72 hours then the number of clicks for that ad will be calculated as 1 click. If the same customer again clicks on your ad after 72 hours then the click will be calculated as 2 clicks.

- Why are the clicks more than sessions or page Views from business report?

I checked our resources and I would like to inform that the difference you see in the Campaign manager and Business report for the below reasons:

1. A session corresponds to a visit to Amazon.com pages. So during a visit, even though you view a number of pages multiple times (within 24 hours), it will all considered as 1 session. However, the page views are the actual number of times you visited that page. This means, in one session you can have multiple page views. So the report can show lesser number of sessions than the page views.

2. When buyer click on your ad, it will be considered as Click, however, if the buyer closes the page before the page fully loads it will not be counted in Sessions and page view.

For example: A buyer clicked on your ad and the page was loading, before it completely loads the buyer closes the page. So, it will be counted as Click, however, it will not count in Sessions. This is the reason you see difference in clicks and sessions in Campaign manager and Business report.

Further, I would like to inform you that the Business reports will not match what is displayed in the Campaign Manager. This is expected as the Business reports and the Sponsored products reports are drawing their information from different sources and at different times. That being said, I assure you that business reports have sales generated from all sources.

It is not recommended to use the Business reports to manage your Sponsored Products campaigns nor your order transactions. The Business reports are used to show trends in sales over a period of time and does not track clicks or impressions from advertising.

The Business reports do not include data from Amazon Advertising. The Business reports have data regarding your Seller Central account, it's functions and the items that are part of the account.

With regards to your query about the "Sessions and Page" views in your Business reports, it refers to the organic search.

A Session corresponds to a customer visit to Amazon pages. It means that when I search for a particular product with certain keyword, the corresponding search page which appears is recorded as a "Session"

This particular search page has both type of products ( i. the products which are enrolled under Sponsored products and products which are not enrolled under sponsored products and these are referred to as Organic search results )

Let us consider the Organic search results as "A" and the Sponsored products as "B"

If a seller clicks on "A", they will be redirected to the product detail page and this will be recorded as 1 page view.

If a seller clicks on "B", it will be recorded as one click and if the detail page loads after clicking on the ad, it will be one page view.

Now, the buyer has clicked once on the organic listing and once on the sponsored ad, which in total has 1 session, 2 page views and 1 click.

However, business reports only record data specific to the organic search results, which means the listing will show 1 session and 1 page view.

Therefore, with respect to your concern, it is not necessary that one click will contribute to at least one page view. It completely depends upon the buyer behavior. If they click on the Sponsored Ad then there are no page views recorded.

If the buyer clicks on the Organic result, then there are no clicks captured.

For more information regarding Business Reports, as well as a comprehensive glossary and a list of Frequently Asked Questions, please see the following Seller Central Help Pages.

As part of the Advertising team, I would like to reassure you that your Campaign Manager clicks are updated, accurate and everything is fine in this case. We would recommend using the Sessions data and the Advertising data differently as they serve different purposes.

We would recommend not comparing both the reports are they both will have different data with respect to page views, impressions, sessions and clicks etc.

Have a wonderful day ahead.

