所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon销售和运营

买家姓名:Amazon Business EU SARL,如图所示,第一次遇到一个这种买家这种订单,他还有一个别的企业买家没有的蓝色标志“Invoice by Amazon”,请问这是什么买家?

发帖9次 被置顶1次 被推荐1次 质量分1星 回帖互动272次 历史交流热度41.94% 历史交流深度0%
如图所示,第一次遇到一个这种买家这种订单,他还有一个别的企业买家没有的蓝色标志“Invoice by Amazon”
Seller Central Help: Fulfilment by Amazon: Learn more: Allow Amazon to buy my inventory
Allow Amazon to buy my inventory

Amazon wants to help you grow your sales across Europe. Under a new program, Amazon may purchase your products at your offer price on your home European marketplace and potentially sell them on other Amazon European marketplaces. You can opt out of the program at any time.
If Amazon purchases your inventory, your experience will be nearly identical to a domestic sale using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). There are no additional fees to be part of this program; we will purchase inventory from you at your local marketplace offer price. This program will have no impact on your sales to other domestic or out-of-country customers.
The only change to your experience will be related to invoicing. At the end of every month, for all orders we purchase, we will email you the respective VAT invoices that we generate on your behalf. You are responsible for keeping a record of the self-billed invoices that we provide as you would for any other invoice that you issue. You are also responsible for the filing of the relevant returns with local tax authorities. Learn more about self-billed invoices


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