所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon各类申诉
悬赏金额:¥200.00 赏金总额:¥200.00 私密悬赏帖 【围观规则】


发帖3次 被置顶3次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动34次 历史交流热度0% 历史交流深度0%




We received your submission but do not have enough information to remove the rank abuse warning from your account at this time. 
To remove the warning, please send the following: 
-- The root cause(s) of the Sales Rank, Competitor, and Search and Browse violation. 
-- The actions you have taken to resolve the Code of Conduct violation. 
-- The steps you have taken to prevent this violation in the future. 
If you worked with a third party to manipulate your sales and violate policies, then you must provide the following information: 
-- Copies of all written communications with third parties involved in this activity. 
-- Evidence of payments made to any third parties involved in this activity. 
-- A description of how you learned about the third parties and how you each conducted activities. 
-- At least two of the following: names (required), physical addresses, phone numbers, or website for any third parties involved.


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