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Hello ,

We have removed a detail page contribution(s) you submitted for the listing(s) below. No further action is required at this time. The ASIN is still live and you can edit your listing.

Why did this happen?
We are contacting you because we detected that you made contributions to a product detail page in a way that violates our Product Detail Page editing rules. Sellers on Amazon.in are not allowed to edit product detail pages in a way that fundamentally changes the description of the product as originally listed on the ASIN. 

We’re here to help.
To learn more about this policy, search for “Product Detail Page Rules” in Seller Central Help 

Here are examples of your listings that do not follow this policy:
Detail Pages with Removed Contributions
Attribute containing violating contribution: brand
Content identified as violating PDP Rules: PDP tampering

We have removed the violating content above from the listing(s). Repeat violations of the Product Detail Page policy on the listing(s) may lead to product deactivation.

Please review your other listings in the Inventory section of Seller Central to make sure that they follow our policies 

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