图片投诉版权侵权,有版权号的话,投诉成功,需要是对方用了你的这个注册的图案,或者改编了你的这个图案,比如就换了几个小元素,这样才能投诉成功,要看对方改动的程度了,能不能判定是类似的,你在品牌注册那里投诉的时候,填更多信息的时候,要具体描述出他哪个地方抄袭了你,做了哪些改动,都列举出来,之前有人模仿了我的图片,我信息填的:The seller used our picture without permission. The skull of the picture are almost the same as ours. They just adjusted the color baed on our piceture.
we hope the Anazon support will investigate this and deal with the violations seriously.
As for our product, it was designed and produced by ourselves and we have submitted and applied the US patent on Apr. 19th, 2021. The patent number is XXX.
然后这个地方指出产品相似的地方,具体分点列出来,比如The angle and light on the producr are almost the same as ours. They just adjusted the color based on our product
Could you please help us deal with or remove this infringing product? Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank
10 个回复
service - 虚心学习
赞同来自: menghuang
we hope the Anazon support will investigate this and deal with the violations seriously.
As for our product, it was designed and produced by ourselves and we have submitted and applied the US patent on Apr. 19th, 2021. The patent number is XXX.
然后这个地方指出产品相似的地方,具体分点列出来,比如The angle and light on the producr are almost the same as ours. They just adjusted the color based on our product
Could you please help us deal with or remove this infringing product? Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank
如果没通过,再从品牌支持页面找到“升级之前的投诉”那里去开CASE, 把授权书和专利证书附上,说明上架时间比他早,提供产品的采购发票,提供评论证明,最好是有你们产品的图片的并且评论的时间是要比这个专利的申请时间早的评论链接,出单时间早于这个专利的申请时间的订单证明,描述清楚你的问题就可以了