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-- 由权利所有者直接发送给亚马逊的撤销请求。您可以在收到的有关商品停售的通信内容中找到权利所有者的联系信息。
-- 法院命令、临时限制令、禁令或宣誓书,或者法律顾问出具的未侵权证明


今年四月份,德国和英国分别遭到了竞争对手的专利投诉(design right infringement).
B: 提供自家的专利号。这里需要点明专利已经是注册成功的状态,而不是pending中;同时附上专利链接
Dear Amazon seller performance team,
Thank you for providing us with an opportunity to appeal to the removal of listing ASIN due to the complaint of design right infringement-Design No. 投诉方专利号

Regarding this case, we believe that design right infringement complaint is invalid and untrue. Through careful reading and research, we believe that we have not infringed any intellectual property right. 

1: The differences from our product to Design No 投诉方专利号(以下以衣服为例子)
(1): The shape of the neckline is different. Our item is V shape while theirs is U shape
(2): The Shoulder closure way is different. Our item is Snap closure while theirs is stitch one. 
(3): The zipper protector way is different. The zipper of our item is covered by folded edge which theirs is not any protector. 
(4): The design character is different. Our item is flower printed while theirs is animal printed
(5): The trouser length is different. The trouser length of our item is 4cm while theirs is 8cm.  
For detailed picture contrast, please download pdf and jpg以下插入具体的差异对比图。

2: We and the complainant, both of us have the design right patent
Here is our Design No:自家专利号. please confirm it here: 专利号查询链接

Here is their design No: 对方专利号. Please confirm it here: 查询链接

From the pics in these two patents, it is easy to know the differences between our 产品关键词with theirs. Although they look similar at the fist sight, there are 5 differences in the designs. That is the reason that both of us registered the patent successfully. Please see the pic below, the open way of our 产品关键词 is totally different form theirs. For detailed pictures, please download jpg插入具体的产品图

3: Followed is the order history and the pics of our product which can prove that the item is authentic and belongs to us. For detailed pictures, please download jpg 插入历史订单截图和产品细节图

How did we deal with the complaint
1. Carefully investigated whether our products are infringing, and it is clear that we have no infringement.
2: We have contacted the patent complainant according to the email address to inform them of the company wrongful complain against our product and the losses it caused to us, and request them to withdraw their complain as soon as possible but did not get any reply. 

3. Carefully checked the description of all our product to make sure that they complies with Amazon's policy guidelines, especially regarding intellectual property and design copyright.
What we will do in future to prevent design right complaint
1: Before Designing, we will carefully make a search,not only on amazon, but also other platform to check whether the product has any other patent, copyright or trademark problem. Here is the link that we could check: https://www3.wipo.int/designdb/en/ and https://www.registered-design. ... ind/. If there is intellectual property, we will get the approval from right owner or we will make our product difference from the appearance, design, function and usage to avoid intellectual property problem. 

2: During sourcing, we will choose experienced and qualified supplier who have a better know of the market about the product from the view of intellectual property, quality, package and price of the product to avoid any product problem.

3: For description, we will make it clear the difference of our products on title, five points, pics and A+ description. And we will mention our patent No on five points too

4:For intellectual property, we will apply it to our products to protect ourselves and make it known on description for customers and other sellers.

5: For employee training, we organize regular training and learning seminars about platform policies, especially intellectual property policy.
Here is some main content we learn:
 3 main types of Intellectual Property rights:
Copyrights are legal protections for original works of authorship
Trademarks are legal protections for a word, symbol, design, or combination of the same that a company uses to identify goods and services
Patents are legal protections for inventions
We cherish the opportunity to sell on Amazon very much, and ASIN is of great significance to us. We have many goods corresponding to this ASIN .The other party’s false complaints have already made our business affected, we sincerely request Amazon performance team to investigate this case carefully and restore our ASIN sales right.Thank you very much for your help and looking forward to your reply .


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