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 求一份高质量的英文版 售后信模板

吃葡萄不吐西瓜皮 - 一只普通的亚马逊运营喵。8年+推广/外贸经验,SEO/Alibaba/GOOGLE/SNS等。渴望获取新鲜知识。

赞同来自: 嘀嗒嘀嗒嘀 YQ今天不睡觉

这是我们宠物类的售后第一封信,楼主可以酌情修改一下:Hello XXX! 
Many thanks for buying the xxx from us. Really appreciate that. 
This is xxx here from xxx. Trust this message finds you well. 
Do you and your furry kids like it so far? Or do you think that there's something we should do to improve the product? 
The xxx is one of our newest product, with your help, it could serve the lovely furry kids better across America. It'll be super helpful if you could share some thoughts with us. 
Making all our customers and furry friends happy is and will always be our FIRST PRIMARY. Hope you could help. 
Thank you so much again for supporting our small business, wish to hear back from you soon. 
Kind regards,


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