所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon后台操作

新品被亚马逊分配到了错的类目 在卖家支持那自助修改了,库存编辑里的类目是对的 前台主图上方的类目也是正确的。但是!销量排名的类目还是错误的那个……

发帖33次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动339次 历史交流热度16.26% 历史交流深度0%
英国站 新品被亚马逊分配到了错的类目 在卖家支持那自助修改了,
库存编辑里的类目是对的 前台主图上方的类目也是正确的,,,


lpgliqinger - 数码男

赞同来自: zhizhizzz xiehl69 mumu1101

不停的开case, 刚开始肯定有一堆机器人客服答复,不能修改.
We've reviewed your suggestion and are unable to accept the suggested category browse node change to ASIN: 00000000. This product is assigned to the current category based on the detail page and how Amazon customers find products through search and browse.

Thanks for your quick response, but it helps nothing.. Did you really see the links I sent,  Did you see my product ASIN: 00000000 Cannot you see it is a terrible mistake? Why cannot your Catagory team do something to correct? just keep saying it " assigned to the current category based on the detail page and how Amazon customers find products through search and browse. " There always mistakes, most important is you must find a way to correct it..For Amazon we are just a water in the ocean, just one of millions of sellers, but for us, a small company, it is a nightmare, please can you help, or can you forward me to your catagory guys?
We understand you suggested a category browse node change to the ASIN000000
Sorry, It is not of my suggested catagory, I just want to report an error: It is the catagory, my products has been staying for almost a year since it released. Please can you look at my Ansin page, try to see all related ads, all products related are in***** " catagory, no any exception. Most important, the incorrect catagory "***", which is way out from my product catagory, please try to have a look at all 1-500 best sellers, can you find any thing else , even look like it.. I would have stopped issuing a case on this if it is close, it is lighting years difference. So I need you help me, seriously solve this for my little business, I am not trying to change it to a "better catagory", I just want to correct this misake.
We reached out to catalog team for the second review and we're glad to inform you that the category browse node suggestion change has been approved for Ansin 0000.
反正我同时开3个以上case, 每个都不停的提出more question.


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