所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon品牌备案和授权

Brand Registry 注册申请已被暂停,刚注册的亚马逊新账户,该怎么办

发帖31次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动139次 历史交流热度16.96% 历史交流深度0%
您的 Brand Registry 注册申请已被暂停。
我们已确定您作为主要所有者与亚马逊商城的一个或多个销售账户关联,且这些账户目前均未成功完成卖家验证,因此我们暂停了您的 Brand Registry 注册申请。如果您的一个或多个销售账户成功完成卖家验证,我们将自动恢复 Brand Registry 申请流程。在某些情况下,在我们的团队审核您的申请前,我们可能会要求您提供其他信息和文件。

2.17号 收到亚马逊邮件要求回答六个问题
Amazon二月 16, 2023 11:50 下午
Hello from Amazon Brand Registry,

In order to investigate the application request Case ID: 1201$$$$$$1 for ABC for BR enrollment, we need additional information and documents from you.

What is the next step?
Please review the below table carefully and provide us with the necessary information and documents by – 02/22/2023, You may respond to this case by replying from your case log by entering your responses under the column ‘Your Response’ and attach documents as mentioned. Documents must be in the format .JPEG, PDF, .PNG, etc.

Why is the information or documents required?
Amazon may require additional information and documents from you in order to conduct a detailed investigation. In the absence of the information, we may be unable to proceed with the investigation which may result in the enrollment request getting declined.

We look forward to your cooperation and thank you for your understanding.

1) Are you the TM Owner of the brand? [Respond using Yes^]
If Yes, please attach a scanned copy of the TM receipt with registration number and branding image (mandatory).
If No, attach a scanned PDF copy of the Letter of authorization confirming that you are authorized to enroll the TM 97$$$$$$3into Brand Registry along-with scanned copy of the TM receipt (mandatory).

2) Are you the manufacturer of your Brand? [Respond using Yes^]
If Yes, attach a scanned copy of a Manufacturing Certificate (Optional).
If No, attach a scanned copy of the manufacturing agreement with the manufacturer and a copy of the invoice from the manufacturer (mandatory).

3) Do you have a website for the Brand? [Respond using Yes^]
If Yes, share the link of the website (mandatory).

4) Do you have any other brand/s already being sold on Amazon? [Respond using Yes^]
If Yes, share the Amazon Storefront link(s) (mandatory).

5) Do you sell products from the Brand on other websites/ecommerce sites apart from the Brand’s website? [Respond using Yes^]
If Yes, share the link of the website/s (mandatory).

6) Name of each product in your brand’s product line. If you sell 5 or more products in your product line, you may name any 5 of the products. (Mandatory).

Amazon Brand Registry
23.3.7 更新下,已经通过了,我们法人是商标持有人,也需要提交法人给公司的授权书才可以,还要出个声明下,商标持有人跟法人是同一个人。上面问题问是否商标持有人那里要选否。希望各位都通过审核

商标专利版权-yuki - 亚马逊商标专利版权申请,小号VX:CADMON2023,VX:CADMON456,,QQ:3003127721

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