所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon账号安全

验证收款信息 Action required: Verify your Amazon seller bank account information

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有没有一样收到这个邮件的朋友 讨论下怎么弄?
To help us earn and maintain customer trust, we are requiring selling partners to verify their bank account information in accordance with the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement. To complete the verification process, please follow the instructions below in Seller Central within the next 7 days Seller Central. Next steps: 
1. Login to your Amazon seller central account. 
2. In Seller Central, go to the Settings menu and select Account Info to view your Seller Account Information page. 
3. In the Payment Information section, select the Deposit Methods page. 
4. Go to the Manage Deposit Methods page, find the bank account that you are using to receive disbursements, and click on the Verify button. 
5. Once you are on the Verify Bank Account page, select the Bank Account Holder Name, upload your bank account statement, and submit for Verification. 
6. You will be redirected to the Manage Deposit Methods page where you will see that the Verification Status of your bank account is In progress. Your bank account verification may take up to 48 hours 
7. You will be notified via email when your bank account has been successfully verified. Once you receive the confirmation, go to the Deposit Methods page and Assign the verified bank account to the Amazon.com marketplace from the Assign Deposit Method page 
8. You will receive confirmation that the deposit method has been updated successfully, and your bank account will be set of the Amazon.com marketplace. We’re here to help:


赞同来自: Alan611



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