所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon账号审核


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To help us maintain a trusted store for buyers and sellers, we are verifying your identity in accordance with the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement. To complete the verification process, please follow the instructions in the banner at the top of the “Account Information” page in Seller Central within the next 60 days:Seller Central.

Next steps:

Go to Seller Central.
Go to your “Account Information” page in Seller Central.
Click the “Start verification” link on the “Account Information” page in Seller Central. You will need to provide the following information to complete your verification:

Information about your business;
Information about your identity;
A government-issued photo ID;
A bank account or credit card statement;
A business license, if applicable.
个人账号:先看审核链接有无“个人”选项,有的几天后验证界面消失了(应该是少数),“技术团队所给的指示:由于目前已不再接受中国的”个人“业务类型卖家,所以当前业务类型下拉框中没有该类型的选项。”,可以转接给相关团队等最新通知的。“个人账户,没法选公司,无法提交资料的去官方论坛,@cooper_amazon,,亚马逊官方在做统计在re-verfication 这个帖子”


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