所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon账号审核

《消费者告知法案》,个人账号 香港账号Tax ID Number 怎么搞定的?我是点进去认证,然后填信息,然后跳转到pending 然后退出来

发帖7次 被置顶1次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动203次 历史交流热度34.07% 历史交流深度0%
《消费者告知法案》,个人账号 香港账号Tax ID Number 怎么搞定的?
我是点进去认证,然后填信息,然后跳转到pending 然后退出来。


We understand your concern is regarding update tax information as per the INFORM Consumers Act. We regret any inconvenience caused to you. We can understand how important this is for you as currently you are keep getting notification to update the tax details. Please let us assist you with this. After investigating your case, we found that there is notification showing in your account health section of seller central account however your account is verified and no further action is required. This is just a notification for every seller on Amazon to complete their account verification as per the INFORM Consumers Act. As you have already verified your account then you can ignore the notifications and keep selling on Amazon. If you have already completed verification for the required information, you won’t be required to do it again, as long as your information hasn’t changed. If we require that you take further steps to verify your current information, we will contact you via email with specific instructions. We will also ask once a year for all high-volume sellers to certify that their information is still correct. Please respond to these messages within the specified timelines to avoid any disruption to your business.





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