所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: 跨境税务管理 Amazon

英国本土店铺,没有VAT号码。但是客人要求VAT发票,英国的本土账号会遇到这种情况,那说明欧盟本土账号也会遇到呀。 那要怎么处理才好呀?

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买来的a英国本土店铺,没有VAT号码。但是最近遇到一个客人,来要VAT发票。一开始发了没有税号的普通发票过去。客人坚持要VAT发票。以下是客人的回复:I need a detailed invoice with VAT. The one you sent doesn’t show VAT, please send me the Correct invoice thanks.

亦如亦瑜 - 世界真是美丽,空气真是清新。

赞同来自: 华南城发财树

 在下拉菜单中选择"Tax Document Library"(税务文件库)。
 在税务文件库页面"Sales"(销售)部分中,点击"Sales Invoice"(销售发票)。
点击"Generate Report"(生成报告)生成发票报告。
https://assert.wearesellers.com/answer/20230711/325a0e7867bd505f55982c29582de038.png 3、 首先你可以跟他直接说明,VAT在申请中,当然如果你确实有计划申请的话。如果没计划可以给他说下面内容,大概意思就是吐槽HMRC办事效率以及自己现在的情况
    “HMRC's efficiency is well-known for being rather slow. It seems they take their time to get things done, much to the frustration of many. It's almost as if they operate on their own timetable, seemingly oblivious to the urgency and efficiency expected in today's fast-paced world. While they may have their reasons and processes in place, it can leave individuals and businesses feeling exasperated, waiting for what feels like an eternity for a response or resolution. Patience is certainly a virtue when dealing with HMRC, as their leisurely approach can test even the most composed and patient individuals.
      So my VAT is still with HMRC, and I've tried numerous times to chase them up. It's been quite frustrating, to be honest. It feels like they're taking forever to process it, and I've been waiting for what seems like an eternity. I've reached out to them multiple times to try and speed things up, but it's like talking to a brick wall. It's really testing my patience, as I expected them to be more efficient in today's fast-paced world. But it seems like they're operating on their own timetable, oblivious to the urgency and efficiency we all expect. I guess I'll just have to continue waiting and hope they get things sorted soon. It's definitely a lesson in patience dealing with HMRC.”


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