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事情是这样的:客户由于收不到货而开A-Z, 但USPS上显示已到货,向亚马逊申诉,而亚马逊是不管三七二十一马上同意给客户退款的。我们调查了订单之后发现已经签收了,由此发起申诉,但是随后被亚马逊驳回了,也没有再申诉的入口。开case也无果,说是维持他们原来的决定,就觉得很离谱。今年下半年已经有两个因收不到货而来的a-to-z索赔了,实际上都是显示签收了,我们申诉都没有通过。需要说明的是,上半年以及去年那些索赔的订单,类似情况的我们用同样的模板申诉是成功的,但是现在都不行了,亚马逊直接给驳回了,我们提供的证据明明已经很充分了,但它还是说不足,各位有什么办法吗? 
Dear amazon,

We received an A-Z claim from a buyer. And it caught our high attention.

He claimed that the ordered item he still not receive.

We had check the tracking number on USPS website. Found out that the package has arrived on . We did ship in time. We had contact the buyer in the first time and attached the screenshot to him, and explain to him, this item has arrive, but he didn’t reply the email.

We can provide the emails for your reference.

In this case, we provide the item as same as the listing and shipped it in time, we want to solve this by communication, but the buyer didn’t reply us. We hope Amazon can recheck this A-Z complain then make a fair judgment.


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