所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon各类申诉

商品状况投诉 - 存在缺陷,产品已被下架,想从质量控制不完善作为切入口去申诉。您为确保有缺陷的商品不会与剩余库存混在一起的步骤

发帖89次 被置顶19次 被推荐2次 质量分0星 回帖互动5次 历史交流热度0.14% 历史交流深度0%
商品状况投诉 - 存在缺陷,产品已被下架,想从质量控制不完善作为切入口去申诉。
We have implemented a strict segregation and rework process for any incorrect items identified during receiving inspection at our warehouses. 
Upon receiving a shipment, our warehouse QC team will conduct a full inspection of a random sample of boxes and their contents. Any incorrect items found such as improper labeling, incorrect products, damage, etc. will require the entire shipment to be re-worked.
The incorrect boxes/items will be removed and segregated. The vendor will be required to re-pack and re-label the entire order and re-send for re-inspection before it can be checked into inventory. 
Only once the full shipment passes re-inspection will it be permitted to be inducted into main inventory. All reworked products will go into a separate rework inventory area for final clearance. Reworked items will not be mixed into main inventory.
These procedures ensure strict quality controls are in place to prevent non-compliant or incorrect products from entering our fulfillment centers. Please advise if any further process improvements are required. We aim to maintain high standards of product quality and accuracy in our warehouses.
A. 产品源头的管控,包括供应商的管理,严格把控产品质检流程等
B. 包装的不断改进措施;
C. 仓储管理质量的提升,注意关于仓储管理改进的措施描述,要具体把仓库的地址,容量等信息写出来;
D. 物流和配送过程的风险控制,防摔测试的等级提升,标准提升等等;
E. 包含不断学习亚马逊相关政策的措施,并且列举后台链接;
F. 客户服务团队人员的培训,服务质量,标准服务的改善和提升;
G. 顾客服务。


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