所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon 物流和仓储管理
悬赏金额:¥30.00 围观金额:¥6.30 赏金总额:¥36.30 该问题未及时更新,问题已变更为普通问题


发帖7次 被置顶1次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动160次 历史交流热度6.33% 历史交流深度0%
经客服调查是被放在季节性仓库(HNE1 、HMD3 、HMD3),一直无法上架销售

通过工具进一步调查核实,运营中心正在处理:1626存放在HNE1 、HMD3 、HMD3 等仓库。您的库存目前存放在两个运营中心,即标准运营中心和 [HNE1 、HMD3 、HMD3]。当标准运营中心内的库存售完后,亚马逊将开始使用存储在 [HNE1 、HMD3 、HMD3] 中的商品作为您的库存。只有当您在标准运营中心和 [HNE1 、HMD3 、HMD3] 的所有库存均售完后,您的商品才会缺货

一氧化碳白开水 - 今天绝对绝对不加班

赞同来自: 妮妮154



2.开case路径:other account issues 语言选英文 开case时间不限。不要开中文case, 试过两回没用。


Asin:XX  FNSKU:XXX   Shipment ID: XXXX

I am writing to urgently request the immediate relocation of 87 products associated with the 【Asin】 from the Seasonal Operations Center to Standard Inventory.

There are several critical reasons for this request:

The current inventory level of the product is at 0, resulting in a sold-out status and extended delivery times on the product listing. This situation significantly impacts the buyer experience and leads to a decrease in order rates.

Despite the product passing the dangerous goods review on the platform and being categorized as "DANGEROUS GOOD FBA FULFILLABLE," it has not been permitted to be placed in standard inventory. Our understanding is that only Amazon dangerous goods or seasonal products are typically stored in the seasonal operations center. However, this 【product name】 is a year-round product with no seasonal restrictions.

Our company has consistently maintained a high level of inventory performance on Amazon, with performance metrics exceeding the required standards and showing continuous improvement. Therefore, we are perplexed as to why this particular product is not allowed to be fully integrated into standard inventory for sale.

Although the product listing is active, the zero inventory level and extended delivery times are negatively impacting sales. If Amazon does not adjust the product to "sellable standard inventory" promptly, it will result in an "Aged Inventory" surcharge. Consequently, we will be forced to lodge a complaint to protect our due rights.

We kindly request your immediate attention to this matter and appreciate your prompt action to move our product into available "Standard Stock" to ensure its availability for sale.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We look forward to a swift resolution.

Shipment ID: XXX



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