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发帖51次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动264次 历史交流热度13.83% 历史交流深度0%
 -- Utility bill with name and address visible ---这个是什么,PS一个吗?
-- Business license, if applicable---这个没问题;
- If you have active listings, include copies of invoices, receipts, contracts or delivery orders from your supplier issued in the last 90 days. ---产品是已经active了,那现在去哪里提供发票,收据,也是PS一个吗?因为这个是美国公司的,货从中国发出去的。


今天收到回复,说还要提交资料,这个是怎么回事呀??? 求助,谢谢

芭依珊Plus - amazon seller


Utility bill. Any of the following may be used: Gas, Electric, Water, Telephone (landline or mobile), Propane, Internet, Cable, Sewage, Trash Collection, etc…
(A utility bill, is any service, you pay in addition to rent, lease or mortgage, provided at your address. The name and address on the bill, must match your registered Amazon address. Do not use a utility bill, with someone else’s name, even if they are your spouse or relative.)
自己p 吧
发票可以提供invoice 试试。

芭依珊Plus - amazon seller


Utility bill. Any of the following may be used: Gas, Electric, Water, Telephone (landline or mobile), Propane, Internet, Cable, Sewage, Trash Collection, etc…
(A utility bill, is any service, you pay in addition to rent, lease or mortgage, provided at your address. The name and address on the bill, must match your registered Amazon address. Do not use a utility bill, with someone else’s name, even if they are your spouse or relative.)
自己p 吧
发票可以提供invoice 试试。


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