悬赏金额:¥30.00 围观金额:¥7.50 赏金总额:¥37.50 3天后免费答案【围观规则】


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重点: 新注册的店铺和新注册品牌,从未备案过
 尊敬的品牌所有者:您好! 此次联系是为了通知您, 您针对品牌 [xxx] 的 BR 注册提出的注册请求 [问题编号:xxx] 已被拒绝。 为什么会发生这种情况? 作为注册流程的一部分,我们根据 (i) 我们内部系统中的信息以及 (ii) 您提供的信息和文件进行了详细调查。仔细审核这些信息和文件后,根据我们的政策规定,我们认为该品牌/用户存在滥用行为。 现在或在未来任一时间,此决定是否会发生变化? 目前,我们的决定为最终决定。任何新的注册请求都可能被 Brand Registry 团队拒绝。但是,如果在未来任何时候,我们的系统确定您的账户不再具有滥用行为,我们将与您联系以恢复注册申请流程/将该用户添加到品牌。

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,
I'm happy to provide information about your Brand Registry application status for xx
We've reviewed and found that applications can be declined under certain circumstances. This includes cases where we have reasons to believe that the to-be-added account has been involved in abusive conduct on our websites, or is related to an account that was used for such abusive conduct.
As part of the registration process, we conducted a detailed investigation based on (i) information in our internal systems and (ii) information and documents provided by you. After carefully reviewing this information and documentation, we believe this brand/user is abusive in accordance with our policies.
We have informed and provided a path for you to appeal via email.
 If you want to appeal directly, follow these steps:
- To access, sign in to "Brand Registry".
- Go to the toolbar in the top and click "Manage".
- Select, "Brand applications".
- Locate the application you want to appeal, and click "Appeal".
For more information, go to "Brand Registry application":
Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support, I'm happy to provide information about your Brand Registry application status for xxx. As per the screenshot you have provided, I can see that your brand registry status is showing "Rejected" and it is also declined in the back end too. So, I would suggest you to kindly re-apply for brand registry rather than appealing.  I appreciate your understanding and patience in this case.

问了一些朋友我这种情况非常罕见。因为我是明确的视频验证不通过才被拒绝,邮件也是说我滥用品牌,但是又没申诉窗口,邮件回复又让我重新提交备案。PS: 不是更换律师方面的问题。

1. 这个TM标是真的不需要申诉滥用了吗?可以重新备案吗?
2. 如果重新备案需要间隔多少天吗?还是可以直接重新备案不需要间隔时间?
3. 再次提交的证据是不是都要全换成新资料?



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