社区 发现 Amazon 美妆产品唇刷被判定为棉签,原因是图片和棉...
This product has been identified as containing cotton swabs or cotton buds that either (i) have sticks made out of plastic/biodegradable plastic, OR (ii) do not state anything about the material of the stick in the detail page. The sale of this product is prohibited on Amazon.co.uk as per our policies. If your product has been suppressed by error because it does not contain plastic sticks or because it actually contains medical cotton buds, please clarify the material of the stick in the detail page or clarify that your product is for medical use only and reach out to the Seller Support team to request the reinstatement. Please attach an official headed letter duly signed stating that your product does not contain plastic sticks or that it contains medical cotton buds.
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