所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon 跨境支付 Amazon各类申诉


发帖5次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动71次 历史交流热度18.48% 历史交流深度0%
Please ship any open orders. If you have any funds in your account, they will be available after any amounts paid for A-to-Z claims or chargebacks on your orders have been deducted. This usually takes about 90 days, but funds may be held longer.
Due to the status of your account, funds will not be transferred to you until all open orders have shipped and any amounts paid for A-to-z claims on your orders have been deducted. This usually takes about 90 days from the date your account was impacted, which was 04/25/2019 , but funds may be held longer. 
Depending on your account status and activities, you may be required to complete an additional review before funds can be released. Amazon may withhold payments if we determine that your account was used to sell inauthentic or prohibited goods, commit fraud or engage in other illegal or abusive activity. 
Learn more about this policy in Seller Central Help: https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... erely, Seller Performance Team https://www.amazon.com 


赞同来自: sikeHANA

耐心等待 等到时机成熟的时候会给你打钱的


x 点击咨询