所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon Review


发帖29次 被置顶1次 被推荐2次 质量分0星 回帖互动470次 历史交流热度3.27% 历史交流深度0%
在后台product review的入口投诉,把恶意直评的名字,标题,都写上,然后附件截图profile,说只留过你的产品review,说明这明显是恶意的. 后面还要多写点内容跟亚马逊诉苦,比如广告烧了很多,很多货在FBA路上等等,主要是诉苦你是怎么辛辛苦苦做起来的新listing...一般第一次第二次投诉之后,亚马逊回复都是很敷衍,大概意思就是无可奉告,但是如果是继续来差评,你要接着投诉,接着第一个case.

切记:开case的入口一定要正确(product review这个入口),后台一定要是英文的界面

The name of the reviewer:
Title of the review:

Dear amazon,
Thank you for your help!
My listing was continuously malicious with non-VP review for the past two days. All of them were 1 star reviews, and the contents described were very bad, which seriously affected my listing! The quality of my products is absolutely excellent. All of them are upgraded and include packaging.
The buyer account profile that left malicious bad reviews is blank (as the attachments), only 1 bad review for my listing, very obvious malicious bad reviews.
My product has been promoted by almost XXXX钱 per day in advertising costs. After several rounds of advertising optimization, I continued to promote it for a long time before I got a better exposure. Now I have experienced malicious attacks from unscrupulous competitors. It's crashing. There is still a lot of goods on the way to the FBA. I do not know what to do with this.
I just want to be a good seller.
So I seek help from Amazon related team!
Thank you very much!
如果上面的发了之后亚马逊回复了但是没有被移除,后面又接着来恶意直评的话,就把上面的case ID 附上,接着新开一个case.
Dear amazon,
Here is another malicious non-VP review for today!!!!
Please help!!!
The name of the reviewer:
Title of the review:


x 点击咨询