所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon Review

现在feedback差评是关于产品的怎么删除,提交系统一次,不能删除,如果开人工case 只有一次机会。

发帖6次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动29次 历史交流热度0% 历史交流深度0%
提交系统一次,不能删除,如果开人工case 只有一次机会
For your reference, Amazon will remove feedback for these reasons:
- The feedback includes obscene language.
- The feedback includes seller-specific personally identifiable information.
- The entire feedback comment is a product review.
- The entire feedback comment is regarding fulfillment or customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon.
- The feedback comment violates any applicable laws. 
例如:We check the feeback of the order #xxxxx, "stop working"(feedback 里满足上述5点条件的内容), and it is a product review. It complies with the rules of feedback removal "The entire feedback comment is a product review". Please help us remove this feedback. Thanks


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